Scenario Planner
Forecasting and comparing different outcomes is one of the trickiest tasks for nonprofit financial staff. A year is a long time, and many things change over the course of twelve months. And yet, with careful planning and analysis, it is possible to create strategic, financially stable organizations that act instead of react amidst great change.
This tool is an expanded budgeting tool that provides an input tab for each scenario and features an output tab that compares three scenarios in an easy-to-view format. There is space in each input tab to enter line-item assumptions in narrative style, which can then be translated to numbers. These assumptions can be easily referenced or adjusted during the comparative analysis.
If you are a nonprofit leader grappling with a multi-layered decision or set of decisions, this tool will help provide clarity about exactly how each decision will financially impact your organization.
Watch this video to learn more about scenario planning.
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