“The only way to ensure community assets stay in the hands of the community is by making big moves like this. Getting into the real estate game and activating this space for the community… we’re able to demonstrate to our partners that we can dream big and that we can get it across the finish line.” 

– Jessica Paz-Cedillos, Co-Executive Director of the School of Arts and Culture


The threat of displacement in East San Jose neighborhoods is all too real. But a local nonprofit, the School of Arts and Culture (SOAC) at the Mexican Heritage Plaza (La Plaza), is reimagining space and creative place-keeping in their community.


With a vision to boost economic vitality, expand cultural programming and bring much needed services to the community, SOAC is acquiring and transforming a mostly vacant line of storefronts right across the street from La Plaza’s main facility.


This phase of their larger project will include a 200-seat indoor theater, a cafe and a health and wellness center run by a community partner.


Community Vision’s Real Estate Solutions team is proud to have worked with SOAC to explore the feasibility for purchasing and activating this valuable community asset. 

Learn more about SOAC and the vision they have for their community.