California FreshWorks
California FreshWorks is a loan and grant program that provides financing to food enterprises increase access to healthy food, cultivate local economic power, and support leadership development.

California FreshWorks is an ecosystem of service providers and practitioners, including a network of six CDFIs, that invest capital into projects and businesses that increase access to affordable, healthy, culturally-appropriate food in disinvested communities. FreshWorks was designed to work at the intersection of finance and social justice in the food system.
As administrators of FreshWorks, Community Vision looks holistically at multiple forms of capital — financial, navigational, social — and how they contribute to the strength and success of community-based organizations and small businesses. We approach food access not only as a health issue, but also a community development and equity issue. Therefore, along with increasing access to healthy foods, FreshWorks works to cultivate economic power and leadership; and focuses on racial and social equity, environmental stewardship, and local sourcing.