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  • Welcoming Bhavani Daryanani to Community Vision’s Board of DirectorsBy: Community Vision | October 3, 2024 We are thrilled to welcome Bhavani Daryanani to Community Vision’s Board of Directors! With over 20 years of experience in finance, strategy, and impact investing, Bhavani brings a wealth of expertise to our mission-driven work. Her passion for addressing inequities and guiding organizations toward greater impact makes her a perfect fit for our community-focused mission. Read More
  • Hamilton Families: Finding a Permanent Home to Support Bay Area FamiliesBy: Community Vision | September 19, 2024 Hamilton Families is entering a new chapter in addressing family homelessness, with their recent acquisition of a 15,000-square-foot building in San Francisco's Mission District. This permanent home not only stabilizes their operations but enhances their ability to serve over 1,000 adults and children annually. Read More
  • Investor Spotlight: Bill & Victoria BrucknerBy: Community Vision | July 2, 2024 Meet long-time investors Bill and Victoria Bruckner, who have been contributing to societal change through socially responsible investing with Community Vision for over 30 years. Their journey highlights the impact of investing in community assets and services like affordable housing and mental health support. Read More
  • California Community-Owned Real Estate (CalCORE) 2024 Fresno ConveningBy: Community Vision | March 1, 2024 Community development groups from across the state gathered in Fresno, California from February 21-23 for our latest CalCORE convening. An initiative developed by Community Vision and Genesis LA, CalCORE works to advance locally owned and controlled real estate through virtual and in-person educational sessions, along with one-on-one project support, for developers of color deeply rooted… Read More
  • The Bay Area Racial Equity Fund: Looking Back at 0% Lending One Year LaterBy: Community Vision | October 31, 2023 BayREF provided more than $2 million of 0% loans and free financial management advising to BIPOC-led nonprofits responding at the forefront of the pandemic. One year after the last loan closed, 100% of BayREF’s borrowers are current, and the default rate across the portfolio is 0%. We look forward to sharing our insights as we… Read More
  • Advancing Locally Controlled Real Estate with CalCORE’s Newest CohortBy: Community Vision | July 19, 2023 Last month, Community Vision and Genesis LA held a three-day convening in Los Angeles to kick off the third California Community-Owned Real Estate (CalCORE) cohort. Launched in 2021, CalCORE is an initiative developed by Community Vision and Genesis LA to advance locally owned and controlled real estate. Read More
  • Finding Financial Bliss: A Guide to Cash and Accrual Methods of Accounting for Nonprofit VisionariesBy: Community Vision | July 12, 2023 In this guide for nonprofit leaders, we’re breaking down the two primary methods of accounting: cash and accrual. We’ll also discuss some of the pros and cons of each method for nonprofit organizations. By the time you finish reading, you'll be well-equipped to discuss accounting methods with confidence. Read More
  • The African American Equity Impact Scorecard Guides Lenders and Investors to Boost Black Liberation & EquityBy: Community Vision | June 20, 2023 The Scorecard serves as a critical lens for mission-driven lenders and investors, facilitating them to assess the effectiveness of their loans and grants in furthering Black liberation. It brings clarity to how their financial commitments aid Black leadership and power-building, Black-centric equity and Black economic development and job creation. Read More
  • Community Vision Welcomes Luis A. Rodriguez to Board of DirectorsBy: Community Vision | May 23, 2023 Community Vision is thrilled to welcome Luis A. Rodriguez to our Board of Directors. Mr. Rodriguez is in private practice as an attorney and consultant working on legal and public policy issues within the areas of affordable housing, economic development, tax exempt organizations, climate change and racial equity and inclusion policy measures. He assists organizations… Read More
  • Investor Spotlight: Ilana Schatz and David LingrenBy: Community Vision | April 3, 2023 Ilana and David began investing with Community Vision—then still named the Northern California Community Loan Fund—in 2004. After several years of involvement as investors, Ilana stepped into a new role with Community Vision as a member of the Board of Directors in 2010, bringing 30 years of experience in community program development.  During her eight-year… Read More