Lease Vs. Buy Considerations: How to Make the Best Decision for Your Nonprofit July 17, 10am-1pm Sobrato Center for Nonprofits San Jose Join us for part two of our free
Lease Vs. Buy Considerations: How to Make the Best Decision for Your Nonprofit
July 17, 10am-1pm
Sobrato Center for Nonprofits San Jose
Join us for part two of our free Real Estate Readiness series designed for community organizations who are embarking on a facility project. This session will provide you with a decision-making roadmap on what space solution best meets your needs and will highlight:
What you need to consider to get ready for leasing and buying
What the capital and operating considerations are for each scenario
Benefits and risks of leasing
Benefits, responsibilities, and pitfalls of ownership
These workshops are ideal for executive directors, senior managers, and board members who are looking for real estate solutions for their organization. Executive directors and board chairs are strongly encouraged to attend together. We recommend that you attend all three sessions of this series, but each workshop will still provide valuable information if attended on its own.
July 17, 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT-08:00)