2016 Omnibus Appropriations Bill Proposes to Increase HOME Funding to $950 million.

After days of intense negotiations, Congressional leaders announced yesterday that they have negotiated year-end deals on taxes and government funding.  The Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations bill proposes to increase HOME funding to $950 million if enacted. A new national report, Building HOME: The HOME Investment Partnership Program’s Impact on America’s Families and Communities highlights the…

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Anka Behavioral Health – Promoting Opportunity

For over 40 years, Anka Behavioral Health, Inc. has been working to provide people with behavioral and mental health problems with opportunities to thrive in their communities. Serving over 15,000 people annually across California and Michigan, Anka’s philosophy is

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Loan Helps Extend Impact of 2014 SF AIDS Walk

Founded in 1985, Project Inform works to curtail the HIV and hepatitis C epidemics through the development of effective treatments; supporting individuals to make informed choices about their health; advocating for quality, affordable health care; and

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First 5 Fresno County – Promoting Healthy Families

First 5 was created in 1998 by voters under Proposition 10, the California Children and Families Act, which added a 50 cent tax on all tobacco products to fund comprehensive programs that address the health and educational needs of children ages 0 to 5 and their families.

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